Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Something interesting to read

Mutilating Africa's Daughters: Laws Unenforced, Practices Unchanged

Mariam Bagayoko was a powerful and respected person in Bamako, the capital of Mali. Now she is shunned and criticized by many of her neighbors. Ms. Bagayoko used to perform what the West has come to know as female genital mutilation, a practice inflicted on more than 90 percent of girls in Mali.

In 1988, she began to get visits, sometimes twice a week, from Kadidia Sidibe, the director of a Bamako women's group opposed to the practice. At first, Ms. Bagayoko hid when her visitor approached. But after seven years, Ms. Sidibe's photos and videos of mutilated girls with serious health problems finally persuaded her to stop.

Today she runs a group of former circumcisers, as they are called in much of Africa, who talk to Mali's women in prenatal care clinics and at markets, and train teenagers to speak in schools. When she tries to convince women not to mutilate their daughters, Ms. Bagayoko says, she may be accused of betraying their culture for Western money and depriving girls of the chance to marry, thus condemning them to poverty.

Earlier this month in Nairobi, Kenya, Ms. Bagayoko met eight other former circumcisers from various countries who now work against the practice. The meeting was organized by Equality Now, a New York-based group that finances African women's organizations that fight female genital mutilation. At least 130 million women in Africa have been circumcised, and two million more girls undergo the practice every year in 28 African countries, mostly in the continent's north and central areas.

Female circumcision is just beginning to get attention in Africa, and about 13 countries now punish the practice with jail terms. But with the exception of Burkina Faso, where the government has vigorously enforced the laws, the laws are largely irrelevant.

Even in some places where it is illegal, medical personnel perform circumcisions in government hospitals. The only solution is to change attitudes on the village level, and that's where people like Ms. Bagayoko come in.

About 15 percent of those who undergo genital mutilation, mainly women in the Horn of Africa, suffer the most dangerous and extreme version, infibulation. Isnino Shuriye, who was also at the Nairobi meeting, performed infibulations among the Somali community in northern Kenya. She would cut off the clitoris and all the labia of 7-year-old girls. She would sew up the girls to be totally smooth, with a pencil eraser-sized opening for menses and urine. Each girl's legs were bound together for weeks so scars could form. Ms. Shuriye used no anesthetic.

All types of female circumcision have huge psychological and physical dangers. Some girls bleed to death during the operation, or die of tetanus or infection shortly after. But for infibulated women, the dangers are even greater. Many infibulated women suffer constant infections and other health problems because urine and blood back up. Their husbands must bring a knife to their wedding night to cut them open. Childbirth often is fatal for infibulated women and their babies, and their wounds make them much more vulnerable to the AIDS virus.

But the health problems that convinced Ms. Bagayoko never budged Ms. Shuriye. Members of the group Womankind brought doctors to talk to her, but she felt that they were just trying to plant Western ideologies. Ms. Bagayoko said that although many women suffer gynecological problems, "people say it's because of bad spirits. It's not attributed to the circumcision."

The practice damages girls in other ways. Sophia Noor of Womankind Kenya says that many girls are so traumatized by the pain that they never go back to school after they are circumcised. The economic and social effects of girls' leaving school by age 7 are incalculable.

Despite these problems, the practice thrives. Many Muslims, and not only Muslims, believe uncut women to be dirty. Women who can feel sexual pleasure are considered impossible to control and so are unmarriageable. "I know many families that have decided not to circumcise their daughters," says Ms. Bagayoko. "But they can't talk about it openly lest their daughters be shunned."

One strategy that has proved effective is persuading religious leaders to dispel the widespread, erroneous belief that Islam calls for circumcision. Ms. Shuriye finally laid down her knife after Womankind brought liberal Islamic clerics to see her, who convinced her that the practice was nowhere in the Koran. They also told her to apologize to her victims and offer them camels as compensation. Ms. Shuriye has no camels to give but has been begging forgiveness from the women she cut. "I now feel like I've committed a sin against God," she says. In Mali, where local groups are very active, one of them, Sini Sanuman, just convinced one of the country's most important Islamic leaders to begin speaking out against it — a huge victory.

More than 14,000 people in Mali have so far signed a pledge to combat circumcision. Taina Bien-Aimé, the executive director of Equality Now, says that African attitudes seem to be evolving more rapidly on circumcision than on other human rights problems.

"Progress won't happen without the community groups,"` she says. "But it's the one issue where we're seeing a tiny, tiny light at the end of the tunnel."

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Week 9

Sooo, this week we've posted 2 different podcasts. The first is just an intro to our blog, to say why we decided on it.
We also did our interview with Mike Minehan, so have a listen to that and tell us what you think.
We've also had a little Waris Dirie theme this week. Just an example of an amazing women, and victim of FGM. Have a read about her, and we recommend you read her book, Desert Flower. Its fantastic.
This weeknd Romy is doing her interview with the McAlpine family who visitied Kenya and worked with victims of FGM. So that will hopefully be up on Monday.
Romy has also emailed someone from a contemporary nursing website who is doing a PHD on FGM. She hasn't replied as of yet, but we're still waiting! We're also waiting to see if Amnesty International will help us out with getting some more attention so we get some more followers.
Please leave some comments, we want to know what you think!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Waris Dirie- testimony

The Waris Dirie story

International super model and spokes person for the U.N, this Somalian born woman was circumcised at a very young age and describes in great detail the horrific scene-

"Mama positioned me on the rock. The gypsy woman reached inside with her long fingers and fished out a broken razor blade. I saw dried blood on the jagged edge. She spit on it and wiped it on her dress. The next thing I felt was my flesh being cut away. I heard the blade sawing back and forth through my skin. The feeling was indescribable. I didn't move, telling myself the more I did, the longer the torture would take. Unfortunately, my legs began to quiver and shake uncontrollably of their own accord, and I prayed, Please, God, let it be over quickly. Soon it was, because I passed out.
When I woke up, my blindfold was off and I saw the gypsy woman had piled a stack of thorns from an acacia tree next to her. She used these to puncture holes in my skin, then poked a strong white thread through the holes to sew me up. My legs were completely numb, but the pain between them was so intense that I wished I would die.
My memory ends at that instant, until I opened my eyes and the woman was gone. My legs had been tied together with strips of cloth binding me from my ankles to my hips so I couldn't move. I turned my head toward the rock; it was drenched with blood as if an animal had been slaughtered there. Pieces of my flesh lay on top, drying in the sun."

After her circumcision
• Her dad arranged a marriage- she ran away to Mogadishu where her sister lived.
• She moved to London with her aunt who was married to the ambasador of Samali, worked in their house but never returned after the visa expired.
• She was asked to be photographed and soon appeared in Revlon commercials with Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer and Lauren Hutton.
• Her career was at its best although she carried the pain of her past.
• The tiny hole left, only permitted urine to escape one drop at a time.
• She never told doctors she had been circumcised but it got to a point where she had no choice.
• She was operated on much to the disgust of her family in Somalia.
• She became a UN actovate for the abolishment of FGM

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Its still happening - a lot

Here's a few stats so you can get the gist of how often this procedure occurs, and where its most popular. We've also included some info on the changes and generational trends of FGM.
  • Its estimated more than 130 million women and girls have undergone FGM, primarily in Africa and in some Middle Eastern countries.

  • It is generally practiced on girls between 4-14. Also known to be practiced on infants, women who are about to be married, pregnant women or women who have had their first-born.
  • Up to 3 million girls in sub-Saharan Africa, Egypt and Sudan are at risk of FGM annually
  • North-East Africa prevalence varies from 97% in Egypt to 80% in Ethiopia
  • Western Africa prevalence varies from 99% in Guinea; 71% in Mauritania; 17% in Benin; and 5% in Nigeria

Generational Trends:

  • The differences between the percentage of women aged 15 – 49 who have undergone FGM and the percentage of women aged 15 – 49 with at least one daughter circumcised indicates a change in prevalence of FGM
  • In Egypt and Guinea almost all women have undergone FGM – only about half of those women have indicated that their daughters have experienced FGM

All of this information indicates a generational trend towards ending the practice - hopefully! Leave some comments if you can, we really want all of your opinions on this practice

Sunday, November 30, 2008

week 8

Daisy and i have prepared our interview questions for both our interviewees.

We're interviewing Mike Minehan on Thursday.
Over the weekend I'm interviewing my friend and her parents who went to Kenya
last year and came across a village with girls that had refused FGM and ran away to this village.
Her mom is a psychologist and her dad a doctor and she (my friend) did aid work in Uganda,
so we thought they'd have alot of opinions on the mental and physical damages a girl
goes through after having it done.

Daisy is currently researching Somalian political conditions because we were told that there hasn't
been an adequate functioning government there for some time. So we're wondering since FGM is against the law,
that its probably impacted the prevalence rates in Somalia.

This week we'll post a bog on it.
Please tell us your opinions

Sunday, November 23, 2008

What's your opinion

A New Debate on Female Circumcision

"Dr. Shweder says that many Westerners trying to impose a “zero tolerance” policy don’t realize that these initiation rites are generally controlled not by men but by women who believe it is a cosmetic procedure with aesthetic benefits."

Visually pleasing? We agree that it is done by women but it is only "visually pleasing" to men. Only men will consider them more pure and more likely to be chosen for marriage by a man. Female circumcision is run by a patriarchal society and therefore controlled by men

"He criticizes Americans and Europeans for outlawing it at the same they endorse their own forms of genital modification, like the circumcision of boys or the cosmetic surgery for women called vaginal rejuvenation."

These procedures are done in sterile conditions with trained doctors and women CHOOSE to have this done and the boys getting circumcised have no future painful intercourse, painful urination or even more painful childbearing and birth complications.

What's your opinion?

Female genital mutilation

Week 7

We're trying to get our blog linked to as many sites as we can, so this week we've emailed Amnesty International, Unicef, and World Vision to see if we can feed our blog into their sites and vice versa. So now we're just waiting on replies.

We've also started to organise our interviews. We'll be interviewing a doctor, psychologist and their daughter who travelled to Kenya and worked in a village with girls who had run away from home in order to escape the ritual. We'll also be interviewing an expert from Liverpool hospital who has dealt with victims of FGM. We'll also interview one of our uni lecturers with some viable opinions on the issue. We'll also interview a woman who has worked in a hospital in Ethiopia with fistula patients. Hopefully we'll get these interviews in the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned.

We've posted an article this week too, so comment!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

What we plan to do

Over the next 7 weeks, we plan to do the following the things...

  • Do weekly posts on what we have done and what we plan to do next and another post on a reply to a related article.
  • Find 3 different people to interview who are experts or have been effected by FGM.
  • Design interview questions for each interviewee. 
  • Find blogs which link to our blog and its topics.

What it is

This is just something Romy and I got from the World Health Organisation website, just to give you some idea of what Female genital mutilation (FGM), actually is.

FGM comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.

The practice is mostly carried out by traditional circumcisers, who often play other central roles in communities, such as attending childbirths. Increasingly, however, FGM is being performed by medically trained personnel.

FGM is recognized internationally as a violation of the human rights of girls and women. It reflects deep-rooted inequality between the sexes, and constitutes an extreme form of discrimination against women. It is nearly always carried out on minors and is a violation of the rights of children. The practice also violates a person's rights to health, security and physical integrity, the right to be free from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, and the right to life when the procedure results in death.

For more information on what the procedures comprise of, according to the World Health Organisation, click on the link below.

World Health Organisation