Sunday, November 23, 2008

Week 7

We're trying to get our blog linked to as many sites as we can, so this week we've emailed Amnesty International, Unicef, and World Vision to see if we can feed our blog into their sites and vice versa. So now we're just waiting on replies.

We've also started to organise our interviews. We'll be interviewing a doctor, psychologist and their daughter who travelled to Kenya and worked in a village with girls who had run away from home in order to escape the ritual. We'll also be interviewing an expert from Liverpool hospital who has dealt with victims of FGM. We'll also interview one of our uni lecturers with some viable opinions on the issue. We'll also interview a woman who has worked in a hospital in Ethiopia with fistula patients. Hopefully we'll get these interviews in the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned.

We've posted an article this week too, so comment!

1 comment:

daisygunn said...

I must say, im a little disappointed in Amnesty International. They got our hopes right up, and then squashed them with their lack of replies!