Sunday, November 30, 2008

week 8

Daisy and i have prepared our interview questions for both our interviewees.

We're interviewing Mike Minehan on Thursday.
Over the weekend I'm interviewing my friend and her parents who went to Kenya
last year and came across a village with girls that had refused FGM and ran away to this village.
Her mom is a psychologist and her dad a doctor and she (my friend) did aid work in Uganda,
so we thought they'd have alot of opinions on the mental and physical damages a girl
goes through after having it done.

Daisy is currently researching Somalian political conditions because we were told that there hasn't
been an adequate functioning government there for some time. So we're wondering since FGM is against the law,
that its probably impacted the prevalence rates in Somalia.

This week we'll post a bog on it.
Please tell us your opinions

1 comment:

spartanlegend said...

You only just found out about Somalia? You'd probably find a treasure trove about that place, assuming you find anything at all.