Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Week 9

Sooo, this week we've posted 2 different podcasts. The first is just an intro to our blog, to say why we decided on it.
We also did our interview with Mike Minehan, so have a listen to that and tell us what you think.
We've also had a little Waris Dirie theme this week. Just an example of an amazing women, and victim of FGM. Have a read about her, and we recommend you read her book, Desert Flower. Its fantastic.
This weeknd Romy is doing her interview with the McAlpine family who visitied Kenya and worked with victims of FGM. So that will hopefully be up on Monday.
Romy has also emailed someone from a contemporary nursing website who is doing a PHD on FGM. She hasn't replied as of yet, but we're still waiting! We're also waiting to see if Amnesty International will help us out with getting some more attention so we get some more followers.
Please leave some comments, we want to know what you think!

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