Sunday, January 11, 2009

taking away the importance of virginity

Newsvine article-Egypt- take away the importance of virginity

This article attempts to take away the importance of innocence and virginity.
It also attemts to reach to the Egyptian people to realize people are still people even if they have had sex before marriage, whether outside of wedlock or not.

The main reason FGM is considered such a good thing for girls to have, is because in almost all scenarios a woman must be untouched and pure before marriage.
Otherwise she is seen to be unworthy of a man.

New in law in Egypt now the Child Law wants to improve the lot of Egyptian children by regulating marital age, issuing birth certificates for children of unwed mothers, restricting corporal punishment, and reinforcing the ban on FGM.

One step further towards the abolishment.
Egyptian educators now need to take a step further. Once we transcend these ancient taboos on sex, then perhaps we can take another step on the ladder of evolved thinking.


daisygunn said...

thats all well and good to put in a law to try to abolish FGM, but they've done something like this before, and it hasn't had much effect in lowering the prevalence rates. That's great they've put in a law to criminalise the practice, but let's hope they actually enforce the law, otherwise it will be the same as last time.

romy said...

Yes, well they say its up to the educators to stop teaching the importance of virginity in FGM countries...
and i guess it does really take a whole generation to change such ingrained views.
And its only really recently they have started monitoring FGM and prevalence rates.